Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Blessed and The Broken

Good Evening,
Tonight I wasn't exactly sure where I was going to go with this subject, but it kept being laid on my heart as I prayed before I sat down to write. Tonight I want to talk a little about those in our lives that walk with us, fall with us, cry with us, laugh with us, and share almost everything you can imagine with us.

Close your eyes for a moment and picture your top 3... Do you have them? Okay, now I want you to ask yourself two questions: Where are they most blessed? and Do you know what it is that is broken in them?

Pause, Pray.... Now, were you able to answer both questions? Yes, good for you! Keep talking to them, keep sharing, keep up the conversation... you are doing something very right and God is truly Blessing you. And if the answer is No, don't be upset because you have good company. I will join hands with you and tell you that I'm not often as knowing as I should be. Is it because I don't try or is it because I live among alot of good poker players... who knows? But, I'm learning I have to be better. I have to see the blessings in my Dearest Brothers and Sisters and I also need to know them well enough to know where they are broken. I need to reach down and meet them wherever they are. I need to wake up!

The past 6 months in many ways has been a good start at a wake up call for me. I've experienced extreme heartache, extreme depression, and extreme obstacles. But, the one thing that was a constant was that every time I was close to rock bottom one of you picked me up. Is that coincidence? No, THAT IS GOD! I firmly realize this and do not take it for granted. Because as I'm climbing out of this muck I'm becoming stronger, more faithful, and more of a witness to what the healing power of the Living Water is all about. I'm learning that not only is it not about me, its about recognizing how I can give every last ounce of what I have in me to others in Christ's name.

Many will say I'm weak because I want everyone to be happy. Many will say I'm weak because I convict myself severely when I hurt those around me. Many will say I'm weak because I get so very frustrated with all of the darkness and want the light. But, I'm not weak and neither are you if you care as much as I do. Because we are called to be more than wallflowers. We are called to do more than sit the bench. We are called to serve. We are called to witness. We are called to live like Christ would have us live. Yes, I'm VERY, VERY Blessed and Yes, I'm Broken too. And at the end of the day I will give this blessed and broken life to Jesus and pray that I've done just one thing to glorify his name. Will you join me? I'm looking forward to seeing you in the trenches and grasping your hand.

Matthew 5:9 NLT "God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God. "

Love and Peace Through Our Risen Savior

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