Monday, April 11, 2011

Even Though I Walk Through the Valley...

Even though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I fear no evil for thou art with me... Psalm 23

Are you unshakable or do you tremble when fear comes knocking. Can you face a demon head on? What about an army of them? What about those that dwell deep in your own soul? When was the last time you walked the "Valley"? When was the last time you were battle tested? Here's some thoughts if its been awhile and you would like a refresher...

Take heart Brothers and Sisters. The truth of our defense lies in quite arguably one of the most notable Psalms... Psalm 23. I'm guessing many of us can literally say every line by heart, but can we live every line by heart. Can we say that when we are in the Valley of the Shadow of Death that we fear no evil. Can we say that we truly believe that Christ will lead us beside still waters and restore our soul? Are we being led down the path of righteousness for his name sake? Do we believe that a table is prepared for us in the presence of our enemies and our cup overflows? Do we truly believe that goodness and mercy will follow us all of the days of our lives and that we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever?

I ask you tonight to pray that the answer to the questions above will be a resounding YES for you! I ask you to put your full trust in Jesus and give it over to him. I ask you to bring the Word found in Psalm 23 to life. If you can live it, others will take notice and live it to. We are in a broken world full of pain, heartache, jealously, and every evil imagined and unimagined. It is up to us to be a living example. It is up to us to set the bar.

Next time you are in the "Valley", PRAY. Pray like you've never prayed before and enjoy that green pasture, enjoy those still waters, enjoy the table the Lord has prepared for you. And, don't keep it secret. Tell someone around you about how God is moving mountains for you. HE CERTAINLY MOVES THEM FOR ME! AND MY CUP OVERFLOWS! PRAISE BE TO GOD!

And, Love and Peace to each one of you this week as we get ready to celebrate Palm Sunday. Hear the celebration, feel the celebration, and get ready for Easter.... Sneak peak.... He is RISEN! Sorry, couldn't resist.


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