Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I wanted to follow up a little on the endurance thing I wrote about on Monday and discuss something pretty close. Today I want to address strength. Certainly when we think of strength we may have pictures of the strong man competitors lifting cars or the power lifters hoisting massive amounts of weight, or any other athlete that astonishes with the things their body can do. But, I have to tell you I think of strength much differently lately. Yesterday while watching the kids during kid swap I was extremely focused on what the three older ones were doing with regard to a "rock band" they were trying to form (picking out costumes and instruments) and didn't notice that Henry was about to do another miraculous thing.

For the past 6 months I've noticed that Henry is extremely interested when big brother jumps on the mini-trampoline in our toy room. He usually just watches, but lately I've caught him trying to maneuver his way up onto the platform. Well, last night he not only got onto the trampoline, he pulled himself up and was jumping! Now that to me is STRENGTH. Strength as seen through a 19th month old that doesn't let cerebral palsy hinder what he wants to do. Strength that sees past the limitations in Dad's eyes to create opportunity for growth. Strength that comes only from a God that is so good he never ceases to amaze and warm the heart. I guess I'm learning and growing as well and finally being able to forget many times that Henry is a special needs child. I'm only able to do this because he consistently proves me wrong when internally have thoughts that he can't do something. I'm learning that "can't" will never be a part of his vocabulary and shouldn't be a part of mine. Henry is doing these things through will power and determination. He is doing these things because he "can". Praise be to God for showing this weak Christian a glimpse of his awesome power. And, Praise to him for the gift he has given me in my two little boys. Both so unique and both such a blessing. They help to humble me and teach me of my shortcomings and strengths. I hope that all of you can take something away from watching and hearing about Henry as well and know that you too are given strength to do anything through Christ.

Philippians 4:13 I can do anything through him who gives me strength.

I'm not sure where this life will lead me and I'm not sure when I will be called home, but I can tell you that I'm finding much more pleasure in the gifts that God provides me while I'm here. I'm so very blessed to be surrounded by all of you and blessed to have an awesome family that gives me reason to smile everyday... if only for a moment. And, usually when I'm not looking for it ;o)

Love in Christ,

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