Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Archive Post on the Comfort Zone

Good Morning Everyone,

I just finished reading my devotional today and rather than forwarding it, I wanted to share some thoughts that it generated (definitely more personal for those that don't like reading the same old devotional stuff all the time). One of the hardest things for me this past year has been getting myself out of what I would call a "comfort zone". To explain a little further, my comfort zone involved being completely apathetic to my faith. Sure, I was a believer. I can't remember a time when I didn't know Christ, but I wasn't always so bold about sharing it. Some amazing things happened to me this year. I call these things amazing, but could have called them horrific, terrible, depressing, and the list goes on. The difference is that in the mess of this past year I found a new focus in my life. A focus on what is really important and that is the abundant blessings we are given by Christ. I know that it was only by God's grace that this gift was given to me. How else would I be able to survive all these trials?

The devotional today by Rick Warren, author of Purpose Driven Life, focused on sharing Jesus with others. This is such a personal subject and often not discussed openly in our daily conversation as friends and family. The subject is at times even taboo... for some reason we avoid it. I'm sure that some of you may wonder "Why is Steve so vocal about this stuff?" or maybe not. The reason is that I truly believe that without Christ this past year and most of you being vehicles for him, I wouldn't have made it through. I've found the most amazing peace in knowing him more and discovering that its not so much about me, but about God's plan for me. In this morning's devotional the topic of being bold for Christ came up so I wanted to share one of my favorite verses from Acts:

"If only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given to me - the task of testifying the gospel of God's grace." Acts 20:24

Can you think of someone who needs to hear this message? Are they at a time that they would be open to it? Careful... that's a tough one. As most of you know, I wouldn't want to push this on anyone, but the Good News is too good not to share and the events of 2007 have given me a reason to want to share.

In Christ,

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